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This website contains products only suitable for those 18 years or older. Products may contain nicotine which is a highly addictive substance.

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Subscribe & Save

We've got some bad news: Subscribe and Save has ended. All product subscriptions will be cancelled from Friday, 18th October 2024.

While this isn't the experience we want you to have, technical changes beyond our control mean we can no longer deliver the reliable product subscription service you enjoy.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Please contact our friendly customer service team if you have any questions.


We've got it sorted. Enjoy hassle-free pod vaping.

With an alt. subscription, you set how many pods you want and how often you want them delivered.

Get free shipping on all alt. subscriptions with the option to postpone for a holiday, mix up your flavours for a change or opt out at any time. And there’s no minimum order requirement!

Take advantage of a reliable, flexible subscription with no strings attached and save 10%.

3 easy steps

Start subscribing and saving now!


Select flavour, nicotine strength and quantity of pods, then subscribe.


Select your delivery frequency. Change it at any time!


We’ll take it from here. Your pods are on their way!



Flavour Finder

eCras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes.

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FREE shipping on all orders over $40.

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